TITLE: irreplaceable
STATUS: Publish
CONVERT BREAKS: __default__
DATE: 02/10/2007 04:49:17 PM
To the left to the left 3x
Eveythin u own in a box 2da left
In da closet,that's my stuff
Yes,if I bought it,baby please don't touch!
And keep talking that mess
That's fine,but could you walk and talk at the same time?
And its my time that's on that jag,so remove ur bags,let me call u a cab!
Standin in the front yard
Tellin me how I'm such a fool
Talkin bout how i'll nver ever find a man like u
U got me twisted
U must not know bout me
U must not know bout me
I cud hv another u in a min
Matter fact he'll be here in a minute baby
U must not know bout me
U must not know bout me
I cud hv another u by 2morrow
So don't u ever 4 a sec get 2thinkin u're irreplaceable!
So go ahead and get gone!
Call up that chick and see if she's home,oops I bet u thought that I didn't know
What did u think I was putting u out 4?
Bcoz u was untrue rollin her around in the car that I bought u..
Baby drop them keys,hurry up b4 ur taxi leaves..
So since I'm not ur everythin,how bout i'll be nothing,nothing at all 2u?
Baby I won't shed a tear 4u
I won't lose a wink of sleep
Coz the truth of the matter is replacing u is so easy!
U can pack all ur bags
We finished coz u made ur bed now lay in it!
Ptama kli tau lagu ini gr2 promosiny naykow yang engga pernah engga SELALU request ni lagu stiap meta siaran gntiin dia d 55%..
Engga cuma request aja,tp tiap dngerin, dia slalu dgn tnp malu-maluny mlakukan gerakan2 yg mnurut dia si gerakan dance asyik-hueeeeh?-
Mnurut meta laguny emg enak..ear catchinglah,tipikal lagu2 yg bkl msk chart hot40 krn bnyk enakny biasa aja,engga sgitunya bgt!
Habis gelap terbitlah terang,abis naykow dtglah jopret..
lagi2 dia mpromosikan irreplaceableny beyonce sbg 'lagu yg kita bgt d ceu!'
Dan ini dikuatkan dgn mmasang lagu ini jd ringtone hpny..
-just fyi,engga cm jopret yg pny ringtone ini d ebs-
lm2 tkontaminasi jugalah meta tertular virus suka beyonce.. apalagi stelah ditilik-tilik liriknya bener-bener girl power! –Padahal pertamanya meta pikir ni lagu dedicated buat para tukang parkir hehehe..Abis to the left2 sgala siiii-
Buat yang blum pnah dengerin, meta ikut promosiin ni..
Nice song;)
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