Sweetest Luv - Robin Thicke
oh babe
Why do people smile when no one’s smiling?
Its coz their thinking of someone they’re loving
Keep on believing we are meant to me and
Nothing’s stopping you and me from going to heaven
Sweetest love
I got the sweetest love there ain’t nothing sweeter
I got the sweetest love ain’t nothing beat it
There ain’t nothing sweeter
Now we're clever is about to inch just one ladder
It gets better every second we’re together
Oooh baby it feels so right
A new beginning starts tonight
The reason for when it’s on
Is because of you and me and
Sweetest love
Finally I can’t believe
Coz you and me, you’re my sweetest love
I got the sweetest love there ain’t nothing sweeter
I got the sweetest love ain’t nothing beat it
There ain’t nothing sweeter
Come on now, I got the sweetest love there ain’t nothing sweeter
I got the sweetest love can’t nothing beat it
There ain’t nothing sweeter oh yeah
Now I got that feeling in my gut
Now I need your fire in my life
Now I wanna give you love so much
And I keep on feeling my sweet, my sweet
Sweetest love
I can’t believe that you and me, we gotta be
You’re my sweetest love
I got the sweetest love there ain’t nothing sweeter
I got the sweetest love can’t nothing beat it
There ain’t nothing sweeter
Come on now, I got the sweeter love there ain’t nothing sweeter
I got the sweetest love can’t nothing beat it
There ain’t nothing sweeter ooohh
I got the sweetest love there ain’t nothing sweeter
I got the sweetest love can’t nothing beat it
There ain’t nothing sweeter ooohh
I got the sweetest love ain’t nothing be sweeter
I got the sweetest love can’t nothing beat it
There ain’t nothing sweeter
Sweetest love
I can’t believe, you and me, we gotta be
Oh my sweetest love
*sukaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa banget sama lagu ini* :)
Friday, January 8, 2010
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Hehehe..gr2 dipaksa sm cukiwati istikomah, jadilah meta mulai mengaktifkan kembali account twitter yg sbenernya dah lama dibuat.
silahkan berkunjung..
Good day tweeps!;;)
silahkan berkunjung..
Good day tweeps!;;)
Kiri Kanan?
Alkisah*halah*suatu hari, meta dengan terkantuk2 berangkat siaran di radio tercintah Dj FM. Scara mnurut jadwal, suara meta diharuskan udah terdengar di telinga paramuda jam 4 teng, meta mst brangkat dr rumah jam stengah 4, yang berarti pula meta mst bangun tidur pagiii skali. Abis siaran biasanya lanjut sekolah sih, jadi harus udah mandi, dan siap berangkat sekolah kelar siaran.
SIaran hari itu ampir sama ky siaran2 hari sebelumnya, standardlah.. I always enjoy my show anyway;)
Seperti biasa juga, MD radio tcintah, Dio Alisyahbana Mahmudah Mudhofur Abdul Ghani udah mnampakkan batang hidungnya yang mungil itu jam stengah5. Cuma yang ga biasa, klo kmaren2 dia cuma nongol bentar sambil ngomong yg ga penting *wekekekek maaaaap ya diooooo*, nah kali ini dia masuk ke studio rada lamaan.
Ga ada angin ga ada ujan, tiba2 sang MD ini ketawa ngakak sambil nunjuk ke bawah. Meta yang lagi konsen belajar (mau ujian jeh!) pas waktunya lagu, jadi bingung sendiri. Meta pikir, kasian banget ya Dio ini, udah pagi2 buta nongol di kantor, mungkin masih teler makanya ga ada apa2 kok ketawa sendiri.
Meta bolak/i nanya " Dio, ari maneh teh kunaon?" (Percakapan terjadi dalam bahasa Sunda karena Dio juga orang Sunda).
Tapi Dio ga jawab2, malah tambah keras ketawanya sambil nunjuk ke bawah.
Meta pnasaran, ada apa si di bawah di arah yang ditunjuk DIo. Di deket keset, ada berberapa sepatu yang berkumpul. Well,nothing weird yet funny.
Apaan sih ni orang, Meta pikir.
Stelah beberapa lama, Dio udah bisa nahan ktawa, dia nanya dgn santainya ke Meta, "Met, ini sepatu kamu kan ya?"
"Ho oh. Ada yang lucu emang?"
Trus Dio ktawa lagi. Heran deh Meta. Ditanya bgitu bukannya jawab, dio malah kluar studio sambil -tetep- ngakak.
Karena ga mnemukan kejanggalan apa2, meta cuek aja lanjut siaran. Stelah slesai, giliran Dio yang siaran dan masuk studio (lagi).
Meta yang mau ujian, buru2 kluar studio, pake spatu dan stelah pamitan bergegas masuk mobil diiringi ktawa ala mak lampirnya dio.
Baru deket mobil, meta baru sadar. Jreeeeeeng, ternyata spatu yang meta pake bedaaa sodara2. Sama sih warnanya sama2 item, tapi modelnya beda. Yang bikin aneh knapa meta ga ngerasa, 2-2nya sama2 sepatu kiri hahahahahaha. Yang lebih aneh lagi, 2-2nya punya ktinggian yang beda. Sepatu pertama teplek ala ballerina tanpa hak, yang satunya ada hak seitar 3cman. Hahahahahahhahaha pantes aja dio sampe ngakak ga brenti2.
Untunglah mobil meta udah ky lemari jalan, ganti spatu laen, langsung cabut ke rumah sakit buat ujian, dan spanjang ujian ngakak2 sndiri keinget pristiwa pagi.
Yaaahh, maklum deh, meta kan berangkat siaran jam stengah 4 pagi, masih gelap gulita:p
*pembenaran* huahahahahahahhaa.
SIaran hari itu ampir sama ky siaran2 hari sebelumnya, standardlah.. I always enjoy my show anyway;)
Seperti biasa juga, MD radio tcintah, Dio Alisyahbana Mahmudah Mudhofur Abdul Ghani udah mnampakkan batang hidungnya yang mungil itu jam stengah5. Cuma yang ga biasa, klo kmaren2 dia cuma nongol bentar sambil ngomong yg ga penting *wekekekek maaaaap ya diooooo*, nah kali ini dia masuk ke studio rada lamaan.
Ga ada angin ga ada ujan, tiba2 sang MD ini ketawa ngakak sambil nunjuk ke bawah. Meta yang lagi konsen belajar (mau ujian jeh!) pas waktunya lagu, jadi bingung sendiri. Meta pikir, kasian banget ya Dio ini, udah pagi2 buta nongol di kantor, mungkin masih teler makanya ga ada apa2 kok ketawa sendiri.
Meta bolak/i nanya " Dio, ari maneh teh kunaon?" (Percakapan terjadi dalam bahasa Sunda karena Dio juga orang Sunda).
Tapi Dio ga jawab2, malah tambah keras ketawanya sambil nunjuk ke bawah.
Meta pnasaran, ada apa si di bawah di arah yang ditunjuk DIo. Di deket keset, ada berberapa sepatu yang berkumpul. Well,nothing weird yet funny.
Apaan sih ni orang, Meta pikir.
Stelah beberapa lama, Dio udah bisa nahan ktawa, dia nanya dgn santainya ke Meta, "Met, ini sepatu kamu kan ya?"
"Ho oh. Ada yang lucu emang?"
Trus Dio ktawa lagi. Heran deh Meta. Ditanya bgitu bukannya jawab, dio malah kluar studio sambil -tetep- ngakak.
Karena ga mnemukan kejanggalan apa2, meta cuek aja lanjut siaran. Stelah slesai, giliran Dio yang siaran dan masuk studio (lagi).
Meta yang mau ujian, buru2 kluar studio, pake spatu dan stelah pamitan bergegas masuk mobil diiringi ktawa ala mak lampirnya dio.
Baru deket mobil, meta baru sadar. Jreeeeeeng, ternyata spatu yang meta pake bedaaa sodara2. Sama sih warnanya sama2 item, tapi modelnya beda. Yang bikin aneh knapa meta ga ngerasa, 2-2nya sama2 sepatu kiri hahahahahaha. Yang lebih aneh lagi, 2-2nya punya ktinggian yang beda. Sepatu pertama teplek ala ballerina tanpa hak, yang satunya ada hak seitar 3cman. Hahahahahahhahaha pantes aja dio sampe ngakak ga brenti2.
Untunglah mobil meta udah ky lemari jalan, ganti spatu laen, langsung cabut ke rumah sakit buat ujian, dan spanjang ujian ngakak2 sndiri keinget pristiwa pagi.
Yaaahh, maklum deh, meta kan berangkat siaran jam stengah 4 pagi, masih gelap gulita:p
*pembenaran* huahahahahahahhaa.
Welcoming 2010
Resolutions 2009
1. Being dicipline in all of plans ive made, including be punctual in praying
2. Being more patient –in everythin-:p
3. Startin life as pediatric’s resident, a good one i supposed;;)
4. Tryin to eat meat –hell yeah!wekekekek-
5. Tryin to say no *in some cases*
6. Tryin to ignore some people and pointless gossips*sigh*
7. Keepin my radio and tv show in –still- 1st places
8. Being muuuch better in everythin, shortly
Well, these are my resolutions in 2009. A year ago, i made these points several hours to new year. 2008 was really sucks for me. I got many of my plans screwed. I failed entering my new school, i cancelled my plan to go to Mecca –and only 3 days before the day-, my parents got heart operations –yup, both of them-, i had a big problem with my bestfriends, my book’s script had been returned because the publisher wanted me to change my writing style –why didnt they say it from the beginning?-, and bla bla bla.. all the problems seemed luv me very much at the time. I resigned from one national TV station that had already placed me in their first line anchor because i had to go to school which at last cancelled it -yeah so id gone for nothin-. I skipped my scholarship to Spain because of the same reason too. The worst thing , i felt very useless for everyone, everythin, everywhere. I was really like a big loser:p
I made the resolution not because i was sure i could change my life with it. To be honest, i made it just because my radio talkshow. One day in 2009, the topic was about it, and i had to make it too, so there you gooo..
When my editor called me this morning remindin to make a resolution, i opened up my files in my laptop and find this. Surprise surprise.. although i didnt expect much last year when i made the resolution, i guess i made it happened, and i have also some bonuses included:p
I didnt remember the resolution, i just live my life as good as i could. And, you know what, i have so many things happened in 2009:)
-Finally- i really could live my life as pediatric’s resident. I did go to Mecca, My book was released –and being a best seller, proudly;). My radio and TV show still as their first rates, my parents are so well thank God, and im still trying to be punctual in praying time, also trying to be more patient. But i guess im already more patient than i was before;;) i could even say no to my friends;;)
Did i say bonuses?;;) Yes, im married this year;;) Its kinda weird for most people i know, since i dont take relationship as my primary urge-things hehehe. Trust me, its weird for me too:p i didnt plan to be married this year, but well, who knows God’s plan?:)
I could say that the highest achievement for myself this year is being married to someone i really luv:) -please just dont ask the details, its off the record you know hehehehe-. And its not on my last year resolutions, to be noted. There’s nothin wrong in makin resolutions, i didnt say its bad right? But for me, the most important thing is just let your life flow, human could plan, but in the end, God always has a better plan for us. Just enjoy your life, whatever it goes now;)
My resolution in next year? Hmphh.. i think i would just live my life to the fullest, no matter whether its gonna fit some resolutions i made or not, who cares?:p
Hopefully,next year i could be a better moslem, a better wife*wink2*, a better sister, a better daughter, a better friend, a better bestfriend, a better student, a better worker, and generally to end this, a better person
Have yourself a happy new year everyone!;)
1. Being dicipline in all of plans ive made, including be punctual in praying
2. Being more patient –in everythin-:p
3. Startin life as pediatric’s resident, a good one i supposed;;)
4. Tryin to eat meat –hell yeah!wekekekek-
5. Tryin to say no *in some cases*
6. Tryin to ignore some people and pointless gossips*sigh*
7. Keepin my radio and tv show in –still- 1st places
8. Being muuuch better in everythin, shortly
Well, these are my resolutions in 2009. A year ago, i made these points several hours to new year. 2008 was really sucks for me. I got many of my plans screwed. I failed entering my new school, i cancelled my plan to go to Mecca –and only 3 days before the day-, my parents got heart operations –yup, both of them-, i had a big problem with my bestfriends, my book’s script had been returned because the publisher wanted me to change my writing style –why didnt they say it from the beginning?-, and bla bla bla.. all the problems seemed luv me very much at the time. I resigned from one national TV station that had already placed me in their first line anchor because i had to go to school which at last cancelled it -yeah so id gone for nothin-. I skipped my scholarship to Spain because of the same reason too. The worst thing , i felt very useless for everyone, everythin, everywhere. I was really like a big loser:p
I made the resolution not because i was sure i could change my life with it. To be honest, i made it just because my radio talkshow. One day in 2009, the topic was about it, and i had to make it too, so there you gooo..
When my editor called me this morning remindin to make a resolution, i opened up my files in my laptop and find this. Surprise surprise.. although i didnt expect much last year when i made the resolution, i guess i made it happened, and i have also some bonuses included:p
I didnt remember the resolution, i just live my life as good as i could. And, you know what, i have so many things happened in 2009:)
-Finally- i really could live my life as pediatric’s resident. I did go to Mecca, My book was released –and being a best seller, proudly;). My radio and TV show still as their first rates, my parents are so well thank God, and im still trying to be punctual in praying time, also trying to be more patient. But i guess im already more patient than i was before;;) i could even say no to my friends;;)
Did i say bonuses?;;) Yes, im married this year;;) Its kinda weird for most people i know, since i dont take relationship as my primary urge-things hehehe. Trust me, its weird for me too:p i didnt plan to be married this year, but well, who knows God’s plan?:)
I could say that the highest achievement for myself this year is being married to someone i really luv:) -please just dont ask the details, its off the record you know hehehehe-. And its not on my last year resolutions, to be noted. There’s nothin wrong in makin resolutions, i didnt say its bad right? But for me, the most important thing is just let your life flow, human could plan, but in the end, God always has a better plan for us. Just enjoy your life, whatever it goes now;)
My resolution in next year? Hmphh.. i think i would just live my life to the fullest, no matter whether its gonna fit some resolutions i made or not, who cares?:p
Hopefully,next year i could be a better moslem, a better wife*wink2*, a better sister, a better daughter, a better friend, a better bestfriend, a better student, a better worker, and generally to end this, a better person
Have yourself a happy new year everyone!;)
Bertandang ke blog ini dan menyadari, weeeewww..lama skali hyatus meta episode ini.. hihihi..maaafkaaan, serius deh, ingin hati si mengupdate terus tp apa daya waktu tak sampai:(
Ada beberapa tulisan yang meta tulis dan belum diupload.. Enjoy ya;)
Ada beberapa tulisan yang meta tulis dan belum diupload.. Enjoy ya;)
Mereka dan MetaMorphosis
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