Saat mengurus printilan untuk pelantikan spesialisasi dan magister, saya diingatkan bahwa salah satu persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi adalah membuat surat ucapan terimakasih kepada orangtua serta keluarga terdekat (baca: suami/istri dan anak). Memang sudah beberapa periode pelantikan, peserta diwajibkan membuat surat untuk dibukukan sebagai "souvenir" bagi keluarga yang datang.
Sebenarnya gampang saja sih, saya tinggal copy-paste halaman ucapan terimakasih pada tesis penelitian karya akhir saya. Sudah jadi deh. Tapi, saya ingin menjadikan surat ini sebagai sesuatu yang personal, bukan hanya formalitas belaka. This is it.
(PS: i was crying a river when i wrote this, especially in the part when i have to thank my mom and dad-emang cengeng kan eikeeee:p-)
Dearest Mom and Dad,
I just want to tell you how you've meant to me as you've guided and loved me through my life. Though no amount of "thank you" will suffice, i wanted to thank you for teaching me to never give up and to follow my dreams. Being a pediatrician is one of those. Thank you for believing in me when no one does. Thank you for endless understanding, patience, unconditional love and the sacrifices you make for me, Thank you for helping me become who i am today. I would not be here without you.
Thank you Dad for being such an inspiration. You're the reason why i wanted to be a pediatrician. Because i want to be a great pediatrician, just like you. Im sure you are watching me from heaven, proudly smiling ear to ear to see your little girl is a pediatrician now.
Thank you Mom for being a super mom. Thank you for being supportive, for everything you have done for me. Thank you for being you. The words "I Love You" are not adeqaute enough to express how grateful i am to be your daughter, how much you are appreciated to me or how much you will always meant to me. Thanks Mom for being my superhero, my expert-in-everything and my very best friend.
To my Mom-in Law and Dad-in-Law, thank you for all the supports.
Dearest my husband, partner in crime, bestfriend, colleague and love of my life, thank you for supporting me throughout these years. Thank you for understanding and encouraging me, You've always been there whenever i needed someone to lean on through all the life's trials and i will be eternally grateful for you.
Last but not least, i would thank my babygirl, my daughter. Thank you for being the apple of my eye, the beat of my heart, the shine of my sun.
Thank you for everything. Yeah, WE made it!
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