Yeah, I know im a lil bil late to post this today. Im sorry, but it took a long time for me to think what kind of recipe did i make. And after that long time, im sure that there is no recipe ive made this far:))
I dont cook. I dont like cooking. And i dont think there will be any reason for me to make a recipe. Any recipe. Sorry:@
I think the only 'resep' i made is the one that not for cooking but for medication aka resep obat:))
I really hope i could pass today's post. Really:D
But, i think again about it and i realize that there is no obligation that A recipe MUST be your own recipe. So it could be anyone's recipe, dont you think? I will post a recipe i get from here to make Chocolate Balls:D
Bahan :
1. 200 gr biskuit mari regal (digerus halus)
2. 2 sendok makan coklat bubuk
3. 50 gr kacang mete panggang (dicincang kasar)
4. 150 gr gula halus
5. 2 sendok makan mentega
6. 75 cc rum (jika suka)
7. Meises coklat atau butiran coklat warna warni
Cara membuat :
1. Satukan dan ratakan seluruh bahan-bahan kering
2. Masukkan rum, susu coklat dan mentega, lalu aduk aduk rata
3. Ambil adonan lalu dibentuk menjadi bulat sebesar bola ping pong dan gulingkan ke dalam meises
4. Simpan dalam lemari es selama 30 menit dan sajikan bola bola coklat di mangkuk kertas kecil
voila! Bola coklat nan manis siap disajikan!^^
This is it!
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