These few past days have been really hard for me, and my family. Well, especially for my brother.
After married for a couple years, my brother finally has a very handsome boy. Im really happy for them. My nephew is cute and adorable. Naya always calls him as her little brother.
On Sunday night, my mother called me hysterically and told me that my nephew was taken to hospital due to unconscious. I was really shocked, just as shocked as his parents and grandparents. He had no fever before, he was really healthy, without any complain like diarrhea, seizure or even cough. Really healthy. Out of sudden, he was just unconscious. There was no history of trauma either.
I booked a flight to go there, but unfortunately, there was no flight available so i had to wait until Wednesday morning.
On Tuesday afternoon, my mother called to tell me there's something weird about my nephew. But she could not explain what kind of weirdness. I asked my mom to calm down, but i got panic myself, i grabbed my purse and ran to the airport to buy a go-show plane ticket. It was heavy raining in Surabaya, the traffic were very crowded. I prayed all the time. Alhamdulillah, i got the ticket.
Right after i landed in Bandung, I went to hospital just in time my nephew was gasping. All of my family were there, without any sanity left. I meant it. I could not talk to anyone of them, so i thought i should be the one that think rational.
I saw my nephew struggled. Double intravenous lines were inserted, a endotracheal tube also was inserted to clear his airway. There were so many cables attached to his small tiny body. He was powerless. As a doctor, ive been dealing with same cases like a lot. But it felt different when the baby was your family.
After so many physical, laboratory, radiology and additional examinations, my nephew was diagnoses with bacterial meningoencephalitis. We didnt know how he got this disease since there was no risk factor in him. His nutritional status was good, he got full immunizations, and he was taken care by his own mother without any helper.
Anyway, days passed, and up until now (the 11th day) my nephew is still hospitalized, unconscious, with ventilator machine to support his life. The treatments are already given maximally, and all we can do now is waiting for a miracle. I believe in the miracle of prayers. I believe in the miracle of positive thoughts. I believe in Allah SWT. Please pray and send your positive thoughts for him.
Semoga keponakannya segera sembuh ya, mbak.. aamiin
Semoga baby Zaza segera sehat kembali mbak..dan segenap keluarga diberikan kesabaran
Adakah yg berkenan menterjemahkan? Sy ga paham...
:( Ya Allah... padahal nggak ada gejala dan tanda apapun ya mbak..
Syafahullah Zaza...
segenap keluarga diberikan kesabaran
padahal nggak ada gejala dan tanda apapun ya mbak.. :(
hmm... semoga tuhan memberikan kesabaran pda keluarga :'(
Semoga diberi kesabaran kepada keluarga yang ditinggalkan :(
just believe to Allah mbak :(
semoga segenap keluarga besar di beri kesabaran ^^
setelah hujan pasti ada pelangi..semoga diberi keikhlasan dan kesabaran..
Semogaaa cepat mendapat kesembuha ... amin...
semoga tuhan memberikan kesabaran pda keluarga
pray for zaza ?siapa itu mak ?
wow.... i like this :D
waahh mantab nih pak:3
manatab nihhh pak
semoha zazanya cepat sembuh :3
semoga yang disemogakan tersemogakan.
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