Dear Naya,
Two more days and..Yaaay! You’re 4 months old!
While you were three months old, so much happened. Your personality is coming out more and more. You're such a delightful girl. You love to talk *ehem!* and your smile lights up your beautiful face (and warms my heart, too, anyway). You smile and laugh a lot. You have enough strength to balance your head if sitting on my lap. You’re also likely to be able to support yourself on your whole arms when do the tummy time. You could do the push-up thing. Im a so proud mommy, dear:)
You grab everything. You grab those teethers i bought, those softbooks i read to you, even you grab my glasses:p And everything will go into your mouth! Hahaha.
You love to play on your own with your own hands or feet. You are strong enough to chase your feet whille sitting up. And you are much more interested in observing surroundings.
You talk a lot, and very out loud:p You could say ‘nana’, ‘baba’ and ‘haho’, ‘haha’ also ‘nggaa’ , im really looking forward to your first word:)
I read everywhere that babies around 3-4 months sleep through the night. Well, you’re not included then. Sometimes, you still ask me to play with you in the middle of the night. I am sleepy, of course. But seeing your adorable smile, hearing your wonderful out-loud laugh, makes all the sleepiness disappear:)
My baby Naya, I'm so blessed, honored, and humbled that God placed you in our family. I have to go back to school this month, so i could not be with you all the time just like i did before. Im sorry, but im sure you will be understand someday. I do this for our own goodness. My heart will always be with you, though:)
Hugs and kisses,
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