These few past days had been very hard –and tiring,may i say- days for me. And i really mean it:)
Entah berawal sejak berapa hari yang lalu, perasaan satu per satu masalah terus dateng hampir bersamaan, tapi sayangnya sampe skarang pun engga pergi2 juga:p
Dan yang lebih parahnya, im clueless. Bener2 engga tau musti gimana atau ngapain slaen bdoa –dan mustinya si engga cukup tanpa usaha,bukan?- waksss..
Bukan ENGGA tau kli yaaa..tapi BELUM –smogaaaaa,ammmiinnnnnn-
Sempet agak2 bikin drop juga.. if it is said that life is roller coaster, then i felt that i fell down very fast. The reason why i write it down here, just as reminder for me in later times. I do believe that life is lesson.So whenever i got stucked in the same situation, i could go back here and said to myself “hey..i was sooooo down at that time, but i could pass it through.. So there’s no reason why cant i pass this one through as well”..
Anywaaaayyy, whatever that doesnt kill you will make you stronger, right?:)
hmm... rasanya mulai ada sedikit perubahan gaya bahasa/penulisan...
..ahhh...masa siii??*wink2*.. brubah dmananya?..
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